ulnar reflex - translation to ρωσικά
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Μετάφραση και ανάλυση λέξεων από την τεχνητή νοημοσύνη ChatGPT

Σε αυτήν τη σελίδα μπορείτε να λάβετε μια λεπτομερή ανάλυση μιας λέξης ή μιας φράσης, η οποία δημιουργήθηκε χρησιμοποιώντας το ChatGPT, την καλύτερη τεχνολογία τεχνητής νοημοσύνης μέχρι σήμερα:

  • πώς χρησιμοποιείται η λέξη
  • συχνότητα χρήσης
  • χρησιμοποιείται πιο συχνά στον προφορικό ή γραπτό λόγο
  • επιλογές μετάφρασης λέξεων
  • παραδείγματα χρήσης (πολλές φράσεις με μετάφραση)
  • ετυμολογία

ulnar reflex - translation to ρωσικά

Hand-to-mouth reflex; Gag Reflex; Vomiting reflex; Throat gagging; Pharynx reflex; Gag reflex; Laryngeal reflex; Gagging reflex; Gag reaction

ulnar reflex      


ульнарный рефлекс

  • An example of reflex reversal is depicted. Activating the same spinal reflex pathway can cause limb flexion while standing, and extension while walking.
  • The simplest reflex is initiated by a stimulus, which activates an afferent nerve. The signal is then passed to a response neuron, which generates a response.
Reflex reaction; Reflexes; Reflex test; Reflectory reaction; Reflectory; Reflex, abnormal; Reflex action; Medical reflex; Body reflexes; Instinctive reflex; Involuntary action; Reflex response; Involuntary behavior; Human reflex; Flinching

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reflex action         
  • An example of reflex reversal is depicted. Activating the same spinal reflex pathway can cause limb flexion while standing, and extension while walking.
  • The simplest reflex is initiated by a stimulus, which activates an afferent nerve. The signal is then passed to a response neuron, which generates a response.
Reflex reaction; Reflexes; Reflex test; Reflectory reaction; Reflectory; Reflex, abnormal; Reflex action; Medical reflex; Body reflexes; Instinctive reflex; Involuntary action; Reflex response; Involuntary behavior; Human reflex; Flinching

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рефлекторное действие

рефлекторная деятельность


1. м.
Непроизвольная - врожденная или приобретенная - реакция живого организма на внешнее раздражение (в физиологии).
2. м.
Вторичное явление, вызываемое другим явлением; отражение, следствие.
3. м.
Изменение тона или увеличение силы окраски предмета, возникающие при отражении света, падающего от соседних освещенных предметов (в оптике).
4. м. разг.
То же, что: рефлексия (1*).


Pharyngeal reflex

The pharyngeal reflex or gag reflex is a reflex muscular contraction of the back of the throat, evoked by touching the roof of the mouth, back of the tongue, area around the tonsils, uvula, and back of the throat. It, along with other aerodigestive reflexes such as reflexive pharyngeal swallowing, prevents objects in the oral cavity from entering the throat except as part of normal swallowing and helps prevent choking, and is a form of coughing. The pharyngeal reflex is different from the laryngeal spasm, which is a reflex muscular contraction of the vocal cords.

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